



Relationships, Rigor, and Relevance are essential to everything that we do at Golden Valley High School. As a result, it is important that we agree to some basic guidelines to insure that these three concepts are maintained at all times.


1.    Treat classmates, Golden Valley personnel, band staff, and students at other campuses with respect at all times. Remember, when we are away from Golden Valley for performances or tours that we are representing our whole school. No derogatory or racial remarks will be tolerated under any circumstances.

2.    Treat the school and all band equipment with respect at all times. If items break, the band must pay to have them repaired. Take pride in the beautiful equipment and campus that we have!

3.    No gum, food, or drink is allowed in the rehearsal room under any circumstances (water is allowed).

4.    No make-up, grooming products, or technological devices will be allowed in class under any circumstances. All distracting materials will be confiscated and given to the discipline office.

5.    All students are expected to perform in class every day. If you do not feel well, stay home, do not come to school with a note asking to just not play that day. Only students with a note from a Doctor will be excused from playing in class, no exceptions!

6.    All students are expected to be ready to play (seated with instrument assembled and warmed-up) right when the bell rings. Students also need to be prepared with their own music and a pencil every day. Do not assume your stand partner will have their music with them since absences do happen, be prepared with your own copy.

7.    No Talking once class has begun.

8.    Students needing to use the restroom during class may do so when needed without the permission of the teacher. However, leaving class to use the restroom should be contained only to emergency situations. Students who abuse this policy will have their restroom privileges revoked.


If a student is unable to follow the rules above, the following steps and Opportunity Room procedures will be taken:

1.    Verbal Reminder

2.    Student/Teacher Conference

3.    Parent Contact

4.    Parent/Teacher/Counselor Conference

5.    1-Day Suspension From Class

6.    2-Day Suspension From Class

7.    Withdrawal from the class with NM Grade/Loss of credit with possible placement in the Opportunity Room for the remainder of the semester.



Behavior Expectations